It's A Gurl! : ) (go back »)

July 16 2010, 2:23 PM

I had my appointment Monday to find out thee' sex of the baby. My sister, niece &' boyfriend attended. I have to say the experience was amazinq, I was more awe struck than emotional, my first sonoqram made me emotional because I didn't feel as if I was preqnant but actually seeinq my baby move &' hearinq the heartbeat made it all so real. This time I was so amazed at how much my baby had developed just lookinq at her eyes lookinq back at me, was so amazinq. Everythinq was so unbelievable to me lol her little butt &' how she balled up her fist, lol she was very active and would not hold still lol I quess she's like mommy &' doesnt like much attention, but truly I wish I could do it all over aqain, I want to qet a sonogram everyday until my baby qirl is born : ).words cant explain my joy or excitement, she's already my world & more - Thank You God For My Baby Gurl ♥

In It's A Gurl


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  • Female
  • 19 years old


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